Friday, 24 February 2012

#17½ VIVA la Vida

This is a special post to share with you this awesome note published in VIVA Wednesday 23 February. VIVA is a weekly magazine from the NZ Herald (one of the most important newspaper here) and celebrates "the good things in life". For me it has become like a bible for design, fashion and all things happening right now, right here (and out there). I've been a follower since my first job in NZ 9 years ago (yesterday was exactly 9 years since I first landed here, I know! Double WOW!). I am honoured and pleased that I was featured in one of the pages, I have to confess it was a dream to appear in the magazine, and I did! So this is a clear example that if you really want something and you work for it, it will eventually happen! (Important note: one must have a dream to follow, then, I believe, you are half way there). Let me thank not only the awesome team at VIVA, but also my family, friends, collegues and followers for the constant support and feedback, knowing what you think and feel is an important part of this project, it gives me energy and confidence to keep creating. So Thank You! Opy x
PS: this week's pattern come with a bit of a delay. I've been so over the moon that I haven't had a minute to sit and do... so watch this space!


  1. I am so happy for you Flor!! Wow 9 years! That was a great anniversary gift! Xox

  2. Viva, Opy! Congratulations. I have a similar dream. To appear on the Saturday magazine of Santiago's Mercurio newspaper. A long way to go yet. But going, anyway.

  3. Congratulations Opy!!! That's awesome! Really chuft for you my fellow blogger. Hehe :) x
